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US gives parity status to India's medical education


Another feather in India’s Crown

This is the headlines from some of the leading newspapers of India last week. The US recognition of Indian Medical Education. It’s happy to know that the first world is opening eyes towards India, the land which has given Ayurveda to the world.

In fact there is nothing new about it. As Indian doctors and hospitals are globally recognized and attracts patients from many parts of the world. Again the reason behind this is the high quality of service at low cost. Now the medical education will get the boost from this status and attracts students from other countries to India.

As of now India is popular among developing nations for it’s well recognized medical service and health care. It’s seems India is regaining it’s past glory of wisdom and confidence in almost all the fields. Truly it’s feather in India’s crown.


Navhind Times : feather in India’s Crown

The Hindu : USgives parity status to India's medical education

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