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10 Musts for Summer Internships


As the summer is coming up, not many students will joy of thinking the vacation. Because there are majority number of students for whom summer is the time for internship projects and the nightmare might have started by this time. For those of you who are finding it difficult to get summer projects, here is an article which guides you in the right path.

Rediff Get Ahead lists these 10 points to focus on Summer Internships

  1. Your summer internship is your problem
  2. Set SMART goals
  3. Let the side work be side work
  4. Keep a journal
  5. Keep your guide posted
  6. Look for accommodation in hostels
  7. Get A College Letter
  8. Carry your texts with you
  9. Don't look at the money
  10. Benchmark against the best

For Detailed article visit :

10 MUSTs for a summer internship

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